
Sends a WAP PUSH message via the Internet Gateway. WAP PUSH messages can send multimedia content, such as an Image, Wallpaper, Ringtone or a link to WAP website.

SendWapPushMessage ( $to, $text, $href, $from )


$to Input This is the destination phone number
$text Input Display Text for WAP PUSH message
$href Input URL link to resource ( should start with 'http://' or 'https://' )
$from Input This is the source/sender's phone number
SendStatusArray Return

Array containing the send status for each recipient. See SendStatusArray

PHP Sample:


include 'IntelliSMS.php';

//Required php.ini settings:
// allow_url_fopen = On
// track_errors = On

$objIntelliSMS = new IntelliSMS();

$objIntelliSMS->AccessKey = "Yva$ER%Uhs+UU[MzwEYe";
$objIntelliSMS->SecretKey = "F{kQ^s`wVpm!EU~Bx8yB^A$N$[l{pxJA";

$objIntelliSMS->SendWapPushMessage ( '44771012345', 
    'The message text', 
    'SENDER_ID' );



Our gateway will only send one SMS message per submission. Therefore a WAP PUSH message is charged at 1 credit.

An INVALID_REQUEST will result if the submitted text and href parameters would require 2 SMS messages to be sent. As a guide, the href and text parameters combined should not exceed 114 characters (assuming href starts with 'http://www.' )

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