2way Email to SMS Gateway

Advanced Features

Known Email Sender Support

We can configure the gateway to recognise your email 'From' address. This has the advantage that you will not need to insert your username and password in the email. To have these feature setup on your account please send an email to support@intellisoftware.co.uk specifying your username and your email 'From' address.

Bulk Sending

The standard format options only allows you to send to a maximum of 100 recipients per email. The following format will allow you to send to up to 100,000 recipients per email.

Format options 1-4 are supported, specify 'bulksend' where you would normally place the recipient's number.

The message recipients are listed in an attachment file (can be any filename). Each recipient must be listed on a new line:

Start/End Of Message Tags

You can use the [EndOfMessage] tag to indicate to the gateway that the remaining text is to be ignored. This feature is useful if your mail server always appends a signature or disclaimer to your outgoing emails. You can also use the [StartOfMessage] tag if you need text at the start of the email body to be ignored.

Send to Distribution Lists (or Group Send)

Our gateway allows you to send SMS messages to preconfigured Distribution Lists or Groups. To send to a Distribution List or Group simply insert the Group Name were you would normally place the recipient's phone number. Distribution Lists or Groups are setup in your online account login on the Contacts page.

<< Basic Features