Hello guys,

Do you have any support issues for ericsson G32 because when I connect it to activesms after 2-3 minutes the appliance switches off completely !!!
Also during those 2-3 minutes of operation sometimes throws device failure.
I have tried many different settings (speed, buffering etc) with no success.

Any ideas ?

I have checked the technical specification for the Ericsson G32. From the specification the device should work with ActiveSMS.

To enable us to resolve this issue could you please turn-on trace logging.

To turn-on trace logging you need to do the following:-
1. Open the ActiveSMS Console
2. Goto the Transport page
3. Click Configure button for the active Transport
4. Select the 'Log Activity To File' option
5. Enter a valid Log Filename, e.g. C:\GSMModemLog.txt

Run a short test to re-create the problem. Once the test complete, please email the GSMModemLog.txt to