- I'm sending out an Email to SMS and that works, I get the message on my mobile and that is all fine.
- I reply on my mobile (so SMS to Email), but the message doesn't go to the original email sender, it goes to the default address on the ActiveSMS Console.
- I enabled Outbound logging and found the Source ID and Source Name to be the correct name and email address of the sender.
Outbound Log Extract: 2253,44771XXXXXXX,F:d.watkins@eightsquared.co.uk S:Message subject Message body ,11/08/09 17:25:34,1,David Watkins,d.watkins@eightsquared.co.uk,2
- I enabled Inbound logging and found that the Dest ID & Dest Name on the inbound report is the DEFAULT ADDRESS on the ActiveSMS Console. Not the original sender from the Outbound log.
Inbound Log Extract: 44771XXXXXXX,Test 4,11/08/09 17:16:46,1,Rob Davis [ Assosia ],Rob.Davis@XXXXX.com
- The original sender does receive the email Delivery Report correctly.
- I tried to change the Default Address within the ActiveSMS console to the email address I'm having the problem with and clicked "Test SMTP" and I got the test message through.
In conclusion, I think I *might* have found a bug with the software - what do you think? I think I've pretty much squared everything up and can attribute the problem to the ActiveSMS software itself.
We are using ActiveSMS Professional 5.0
( Theory: Its not that the problem is that the routing isn't working at all - it does work with email addresses under the control of the SMTP server, does the ActiveSMS system check with the SMTP server for the email address its going to route to first and if it receives a bad response then send it to the default address? )
Many thanks!
David Watkins