14 years ago
I've been reading through the website today and see that you can send SMS Messages to landline numbers.

The documentation states: HTTP Interface - Using the normal send sms interface add the parameter: type=6

However I am unsure as to where on the SendSMS.php page to add the type variable.

Can anyone point me in the right direction with this.

14 years ago
If you want to send an SMS message to landline then there is no need to use the type 'parameter'.

Most landline operator will accept a standard text message, it is the landline provider that turn the text into voice.

In most case you will not need to use our Voice SMS service. The Voice SMS is different as it is our server that converts the message to voice.
14 years ago

I have tried sending a 'normal' SMS to two landline numbers, however neither was delivered.

I would therefore prefer to use the 'voice' method (or at least try it), the reason being is that the voice messages that will be sent vary from time to time, these will be automated messages sent by our server monitoring software (or by support staff) to alert people to server outages.
13 years ago

I would also like to use the voice option using php but I can't get it to work either.

In the past, we have found that BT (can't vouch for other providers) are poor at delivering converted voice messages - they often seem to get lost.

I altered my code to this, but it still arrives as a text message...

$objIntelliSMS->Username = 'UserName';
$objIntelliSMS->Password = 'Password';
$objIntelliSMS->MaxConCatMsgs = 1;
$objIntelliSMS->type = 6;

Please advise.

Many thanks,

13 years ago
Support for VoiceSMS is not included in v1.0 of the PHPSDK.

To add support you will need to make the change in the IntelliSMS.php file.

Please add the following method:

//Send voice message message
public function SendVoiceMessage ( $to, $text, $from )
	$FormParams = array ( 	'username'=>$this->Username,
				'maxconcat'=>$this->MaxConCatMsgs );

	$FormData = http_build_query($FormParams, '', '&');

	$Response = $this->IntelliSMS_MakeHTTPRequest ( $FormData );

	$SendStatusCollection = $this->IntelliSMS_ParseHTTPResponse ( $Response, $to );

	return $SendStatusCollection;