So far things are looking very promising for us to use ActiveSMS Pro or Advanced. But I have a few queries.

We're looking at using it programatically under .Net, possibly in ASP.Net or even C#.Net. I notice a .Net component is available for sending to your http gateway, is a .Net component also included for developing a soap/web service interface between a web server or servers and the sms server (which may be a different device to the web server)? Is that what the Client Only install does, or did I miss something?

Also, is there a way of using an sms modem (we use a MultiTech GPRS Modem) in such a way that it doesn't actually send a message - ie. for testing purposes? Testing 20-30 times a day wastes a fair chunk of cash.
You can use the ActiveSMS .Net component to created a Web Service.

You will need to create the Web Service yourself in Visual Studio. The Web Service will call the ActiveSMS .Net component.

Note: There is no test mode for simulating the sending of messages.
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